
Demo A: Easy UX, Day One Savings, Instant Ownership & No seller changes

Shows how a shopper:

  • Browses at Amazon & buys the exact same (not a different SKU) item through Dema.

  • Experiences all of this without sellers having any Dema stores.

  • Pays Dema, NOT Amazon which means lower fees and therefore seller & shopper savings.

  • Receives instant Dema points upon purchase.

Shows how a seller:

  • Receives orders directly into their order system (e.g.: here the seller uses Amazon as their 3PL)

  • Completes orders exactly as sellers already do it. That way, Dema is NOT involved in logistics.

Demo B: How Free Ads work

Shows how a:

  • Seller enrolled with Dema can receive ads inserted for free. Sellers never pay for them.

  • Shopper views ads in a manner that doesn't interrupt the UX they're accustomed to.

This is possible on both mobile & in-browser. Ad appearance will be optimized to distinguish from Amazon Ads & drive shopper awareness/attention.

Last updated