🗿Why Free Ownership?

Traditional startups channel significant funds to capture customer attention in an increasingly noisy & loud advertising market leading to inflated acquisition costs. Startups then focus on recouping these expenses rapidly to satisfy investor expectations misaligning the startup's actions with its original mission. For example, startups might offer temporary discounts to lure customers instead of providing genuinely affordable services consistently at the outset.

Our different appraoch

By examining how Dema could best leverage its assets, namely governance & equity, we rethought customer acquisition & ownership. Dema would avoid investing heavily in customer acquisition. Dema would give equity away to sellers and shoppers simply for using Dema & referring others to do the same. Add in "lowest fees" & "instant discounts" on day one as well as user-centric governance and user costs would, logically, decrease, not increase. This virtuous reinforcement cycle aligns Dema's and its stakeholders' objectives.

Who will invest?

Dema's strategy attracts the type of investor whose appeal is focused on value efficiency, sustainability as well as collaborative outcomes. By structurally reducing Dema's operational costs & customer acquisition expenses while tapping into a massive market, this efficiency not only benefits Dema's users but also presents attractive investment opportunities to those who value innovative, sustainable business models.

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