🛼What is the User Experience?


Use any site you like

Dema has no seller store fronts. Instead, shoppers browse any product on any site (starting with Amazon) using Dema's apps. A shopper simply adds the item they want to their Dema cart & checks out with Dema without ever leaving the page they're on.

Day 1 instant savings, even on discounted prices

Shoppers receive at least a 5% discount on any price they see (even already discounted prices; even after applicable marketplace & seller coupons). And many shoppers won't pay sales tax either.

Control the free ownership you receive

After completing a purchase, shoppers receive free ownership into a wallet they control.

Ownership Benefits

Shoppers can use their ownership "never expire" points to receive additional discounts as well as other benefits in a list that is too long to expand upon here.


No pain, no effort, no stores to setup

Sellers don't need to setup any store fronts to sell on Dema. Completing steps that really ONLY take <5 minutes, sellers integrate their existing stores & operational backends into Dema. When a shopper makes a request, it is routed instantly. Sellers don't change logistics nor fulfillment processes.

Double the Profits from Day One

With forever "no attention fees" & day one 50% off selling fees, sellers have already told us & showed us how they can more than double their net profits.

Free Ownership... of course!

Just like shoppers, sellers automatically get free ownership after a purchase transaction.

There is more. Much more...

But this is an abbreviated intro, so we'll save it for later.

Last updated