🛍️Who wants to use Dema?

We'd say, "Who wouldn't?". We're biased. So let's share facts & plans.

Vetting Users

Shoppers: We've interviewed & demonstrated our initial live prototype to >200 random shoppers at physical stores, on streets, trains, planes etc... And >90% were very positive on Dema. Even the few that said they didn't shop much said they loved Dema's frictionless cost-minded approach.

Sellers: We demonstrated our live prototype to >100 sellers. Here again >90% signed up on our waitlist instantly. With >$2B in Seller GMV waitlisted, sellers are chomping at the bit for Dema's launch.

Go to Market Plans

With our first target market being the US, our first user is a "crypto enthusiast". There are more than 30M active crypt enthusiasts in the US. Following right behind them are the more than 50M "coupon cutters". We've tested this rich playground by curating user outreach lists (from sign ups, decentralization communities and other sources) & performed test runs.

Frictionless Universal Appeal

We designed Dema's apps to have as frictionless a UI as possible so any shopper gets a no-compromise shopping experience. This includes getting access to >100 millions items, using different payment methods they already like & have access to, one-click payment from their crypto-currency account all available to them from day one.

Last updated